I purchased a small netbook from HP few years back and it was installed with Windows 10 Home Edition. I tried it at the shop and works fine until I arrived at home and installed office suites, and some basic programming tools like Chrome, Python, Visual Studio Code that it became useless. Now it lags and my daughter can't even work with office suites. It was for her, it was a gift, it's suppose to work and not bother her. And now it becomes a pain for her doing research and Google Chrome always says "Not Responding". I just remembered it was 2 years ago. The netbook was just kept at the closet, intended never to see the light again. I was cleaning my small office at home and I found it, I remembered the pain. I remembered it all like yesterday. It was horrible, I cried and asked God, why did I remember all those miseries. Seriously, I just found it, that's it, and just thought, well I think I can have a use for it for a small server at home. Then it hits me, it's like, light shinning upon me and God whispering in my right ear with a soft spoken voice and angelic songs in the background. "Hey, you can install Ubuntu on it", God said. And the angels keep repeating, Ubuntuuuuu, ubuntuuuu.... Lalala. I got to do it, it was now a mission from God. No, no seriously, just wanted to try something new and that is trying a simple server administration where I can host my files, maybe an onion site or whatever so that I did. I tried Ubuntu.
Well, not Ubuntu, it's a bit huge for the netbook. Well, it's not but it's still bigger than Lubuntu so I tried Lubuntu. And that my friend, is some useful netbook I can play with. You got to try it, Lubuntu is a small lightweight distro. Like a trimmed down Ubuntu. Different window system, it uses QT rather than Gnome and it's fast. For more details, please visit the Lubuntu site and the installation instruction. You need a USB drive if you don't have a CD ROM and if you do have a CD ROM, you need a CD disc to burn the image to it. No not burn like fire (yeah like fire coz it's laser inside your ROM) but you get what I mean. Burning it to a CD? Or simply write the bootable installer in it. Nevermind, you know what I mean. So yeah, there it goes. One happy coder with a new toy to play with. Ciao guys, see you next blog post.
[UPDATE] No wifi network found. So I'll update it in another post hopefully today.
Well, not Ubuntu, it's a bit huge for the netbook. Well, it's not but it's still bigger than Lubuntu so I tried Lubuntu. And that my friend, is some useful netbook I can play with. You got to try it, Lubuntu is a small lightweight distro. Like a trimmed down Ubuntu. Different window system, it uses QT rather than Gnome and it's fast. For more details, please visit the Lubuntu site and the installation instruction. You need a USB drive if you don't have a CD ROM and if you do have a CD ROM, you need a CD disc to burn the image to it. No not burn like fire (yeah like fire coz it's laser inside your ROM) but you get what I mean. Burning it to a CD? Or simply write the bootable installer in it. Nevermind, you know what I mean. So yeah, there it goes. One happy coder with a new toy to play with. Ciao guys, see you next blog post.
[UPDATE] No wifi network found. So I'll update it in another post hopefully today.
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